Eggless (Vegan) Chocolate Cream Pudding
25 May 2020
Eggless (Vegan) Chocolate Cream Pudding
Prep Time
Cook Time
For that delicious dark chocolate craving look no more! The flavours of this dark chocolate cream will satisfy those cravings even if you are Vegan!Author: Chef Bertrand Le Gallic

- 500 grs full fat milk (Vegan option - Almond or Coconut Milk)
- 125 grs Even Cream 35%
- For Vegan option replace the Even Cream with Viva Vegetal cream
- 65 grs sugar
- 2 gelatin leaves (Vegan option - 50 grs corn starch mixed with cold vegan milk)
- 140 grs Cacao Barry Guayaquil dark chocolate 64%
- Soak the gelatine leaf in cold water in a plastic bowl (the water needs to totally cover the gelatine).
- Bring the cream to boil with the milk and the sugar (if you use corn starch, add before boiling).
- Lift and squeeze the gelatine gently from the water and add it in the milk mixture (only if no corn starch is used).
- Add the hot milk/cream/sugar mixture gradually to the chocolate coins stirring continuously until the chocolate is completely melted.
- Let cool to 30˚C, then pour them in cups (you can use any cups from our Martellato range).
- When cooled to room temperature, cover the cups with the relative Martellato lid and put them in the fridge.